12. "Don't be sad, Jonah." (Jonah cries a lot in the car, so this is a common theme)
11. "I'm okay! I feel better, now!" (She always says this when she wakes up and cries in the morning. I come into the room and say, "Good morning, Maya! She replies, "I'm okay. I feel better, now.)
10. "Jonah's sad. Jonah's happy, now." (This is a favorite car saying.)
9. "Jonah wake up! Open your eyes!" (She thinks I'll turn on the TV when he wakes up.)
8. "Mommy/Daddy fix it."
7. "Maybe more Wiggles will come on." (We listen to music a lot)
6. "Oooooo...
5. "I see
4. "Brrrrr. So cold. Need sweater for toasty warm." (She is obsessed with wearing cardigans)
3. "Maybe watch a show?" (Said in a sly, contemplative tone)
2. "Maybe another day."
1. "Maybe tomorrow we can
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