Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun at Home

We don't spend a ton of time at home, because Maya isn't really a homebody. She prefers to be out and about, playing with friends, shopping, and people watching. She has fun at home too, though. One of her new favorite pastimes is putting her toys in her chair, and feeding them. At first, she only fed Harlene in her chair, but now she has begun to feed her phone (it has a face, of course), and her Little People. The funny thing is, she likes to strap the phone and the little people into the chair, which is comical, since they are not even remotely shaped like people. Anyway, she also likes to bring a pillow and blanket into our room, and make a pretend bed on the floor, while I fold laundry. There are so many other things she's been doing lately, that seem so clever and surprising to me. I guess we have a big girl on our hands. So much for our little baby...

"I had cereal for breakfast this morning. Mommy likes when I sit in my chair and eat breakfast, but I'm not such a fan."

"This is my 'floor bed' in Mommy and Daddy's room. Maybe I should get my pajamas."

"Now that I'm under my blankie, you can't even tell if I'm in pajamas or not! I'm full of tricks!"

"My phone is buckled into my chair, and I'm feeding it a cookie."

"I'm such a silly girl."

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