Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wait, You Live in New Hampshire??

So, this is the first weekend that we have felt like we actually live here, in New Hamp. We went to a beautiful, outdoor wedding last night in Massachusetts, but we actually slept at our house ALL weekend! What a shocker! We brought Maya to the wedding last night, which was both good and not so good. She had a great time playing outside, but the problem was that it was really cold, and we just wanted her to play and eat in the tent, with everyone else at the wedding. Oh well. I guess it was too much to ask! Anyway, we are in the middle of a very lovely Sunday afternoon. This morning, we went apple picking at Poverty Orchards. I was worried that it would be too late in the season for good apples, but I was so wrong! We picked 8 pounds of apples, before deciding we had way too many, and cutting ourselves off. We then chose a pumpkin and sampled some hard cider, before paying for our goodies and coming home for lunch. All in all, a great morning. This afternoon, we are going to visit Lucas, who is Amelia and Jonathan's brand new baby. Well, he's a week old, but I guess that still qualifies as "pretty new," right?
"Mommy, Beth sure looks pretty, but she must be freezing!"

"I'm too young to sit still for wedding ceremonies, so I'm playing in the leaves."

"Have you noticed that fall leaves crunch when you step on them?"

"Mommy finally picked me up, so I could see some of the ceremony."

"Daddy tried to keep me quieter with milk and animal crackers. It sorta worked."

"This is me with my 2 little girlfriends that I met at the wedding. Maddie is the older one, and the younger one was too small to tell me her name."

"Maddie kept trying to give hugs, which was nice, but sort of weird, since we're just acquaintances."

"When we got to the apple orchard this morning, I was sportin' my new coat, and I saw a really nice doggie."

"Look! No hands!"

"Mmmmm. Apples..."

"Daddy and Mommy thought the view was nice from the top of the orchard, but I didn't really care, because I had an apple, and was happily munching away."

"You see??! It was so good!"

"Mommy filled up 2 bags of apples. We now have enough for... well... a week or so??"

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