"This is just plain old Maya face."
"I like to call this 'squishy face.'"
"This is called 'piggy nose.'"
"I think I will call this one 'sleepy eyes.'"
Maya would like to introduce you to her new baby brother, Jonah! There will be lots of dancing, singing, and playing this year, so we hope you'll come along for the ride. Keep visiting, and leave us a comment so we know you were here!
"Just chillin' in my new winter coat..." "Keira, it's almost my bedtime, how about you?"
Anyway, on Saturday, we had brunch at our house, and then we met our friend, Beth, for some chat time. It was a really nice weekend. Yesterday we laid low and Kevin reformatted our pokey computer. It was an eventful, yet relaxing weekend. We'll be travelling to Connecticut on Wednesday morning. I can't wait!
"Thank you for putting me to bed, Mommy. Now that it's morning, let's get our brunch on!"
Oh, and here's a shout out to cousin Jacob, who is getting his tonsils out this morning. We're rooting for you, Jacob! Can't wait to see a tonsil-less Jacob and have some ice cream together!