Saturday, August 30, 2008

Morning Snuggles

This morning, we joined Daddy in bed for some morning cuddle time. We had a lot of plans for the morning, so it was nice to just spend some time together before the day officially started. Since I had swaddled Maya in only her diaper, I put her in her kimono-esque robe, courtesy of Jenny and Hailey. She looked so sweet. We love it when Daddy has a chance to stay in bed instead of rushing to leave for work.

"Grammy sent me this beret. Do you like it? I'm not sure how to wear it - does it look okay this way?"

"Mommy, Daddy, and Beth took me out for ice cream. I'm too little, but it sure looked good..."

"Can I have just a leeeetle bit of ice cream, Mommy? Just this much?"

"This is a very stylish bathrobe. Thanks Hailey!"


Grammy said...

Well, Maya, You are officially one spectacular litle lady! You look like Frenchie in your beret but could also pass for a Miko in your kimono! Any way you look at it, you're my little muffin and I love you mucho!

Unknown said...

Grammy is a silly goose but I do like the beret. -- Grampy

ROL said...

Maya has gone international!!!
