Monday, August 4, 2008


You may (or may not) have noticed that Maya and I took a day off from blogging. You see, we made a surprise trip out to Connecticut to surprise Grampy for his 60th birthday, which is this coming Saturday. We got here on Saturday evening, after Maya's very first ride on an airplane. Unfortunately, she was not amused by the whole flying experience. When we got to Hartford, we traveled to Middlebury, where Grammy and Grampy were eating dinner with their friends at Bella Luna (yum). We crept up on Grampy and threw Maya into his lap. He was in shock. It was absolutely great, minus the fact that Maya was having a total meltdown for our entire ride home. We couldn't figure out if her ears were bothering her, or if it was something else, but fortunately, there was no permanent damage. She's officially a happy camper, here in good ol' CT.

"Let's go! I'm ready to surprise Grampy!"

"This airplane sure is noisy - but there are a lot of things to look at..."

"Dad? Can you hear me with those headphones on, or are you trying to tune me out?"

"This is my 'I heart Connecticut' face."


tshaffpa33 said...

She's so pretty Marji. Your going to have a heartbreaker on your hands.

Unknown said...

I am so happy that you are on the East Coast and that you and Maya are back on the blog. I missed seeing new photos of your darling little girl. She truly is a beauty!!! Her dazzling smile lights up her whole face!
