Sunday, July 27, 2008

She wants to eat!

Lately, Maya seems to want food. Like, real people food. She was eyeing my popcorn today, and even asked for a sip of my Coke Zero...

Did I give Maya some Coke? You decide...

"Please give me some rice cereal, Mommy!"


Unknown said...

Maya looks like beautiful Maya and "no" you did not give Maya a sip!!! AB

ROL said...

Nikki was the same way, i tested her tongue relex and it was still there at four months, so i waited until she was six. I would also let her play with the spoon first to see if she just wanted to put things in her mouth, just recently she actually started opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue as a sign for more food!! I started with carrots and peas...she also loves sweet potato! So give those a try to when she is about 6 months!
